ESEE 2017 Conference Budapest
20 – 23 June 2017, Budapest, Hungary 12th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics Ecological Economics in Action: Building a Reflective and Inclusive Community

Dear All,

The ESEE Board and the Local Organising Committee of ESEE 2017 would like to thank you all for your enthusiastic participation and quality presentations. Your contributions ensured that the 12th ESEE conference was a successful one!

You will find the Conference Proceedings here

The Keynote presentations were all recorded, and can be found on Youtube here

Pictures taken during the conference, can be viewed here

The winners of the Best Student Paper & the Best Poster award can be found here

We would also like to announce a number of Special Issue calls:

A special issue on insurance value of ecosystems:

Open call for Special Issue on relational values:
The journal Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (COSUST) is launching a special issue to be published in 2018 on relational values. More details here


We would also greatly appreciate the completion of our Feedback and Evaluation Survey, which will help us in time for the next ESEE conference. The survey can be found through your mobile app, or here

Don’t forget that the next ESEE conference will be held in June 2019 in Turku, Finland – we look forward to seeing many of you there.

With warm wishes,




Conference objective and themes

Ecological economics has always aspired to have systemic impacts on human behaviour and institutional structures. Since its foundation in 1996, the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) has combined diverse knowledge systems and disciplinary concepts and tools to foster sustainability. After two decades of scholarly work and community-building, it is timely to now reflect on our achievements and impacts.

Today’s challenges require true engagement and novel solutions from ecological economics. Academic and practitioner communities must enact meaningful participative and mutually empowering activities across disciplines and different knowledge systems. Ecological economics can contribute to generating inclusive and reflective research in a number of ways: as transformative science; as advocacy for non-human beings and future generations; as advocacy for environmental and social justice; as policy science; through understanding and promotion of broadly defined well-being; and through empirical insights and real-life impacts. Scientific and governance practices should be closely linked to the explicit spatial context of ecosystems and the biosphere, taking into account the needs of the non-human world. The 12th International Conference of ESEE aims to support this reflective and responsible turn in sustainability science in general and ecological economics in particular.

The conference will bring together diverse sets of actors who are engaged in co-producing ecological economics insights and advice for responsible and creative pathways towards sustainability. We seek to open up disciplinary boundaries through collaboration and discussion with conservation biology, environmental psychology and sociology, political ecology, social anthropology (amongst others), as well as through critical engagement and mutual learning with practitioners and local community efforts that aim to realise transformation towards sustainability. Novel socio-ecological insights and dialogues aim to encourage pathways to individual, collective and institutional change by virtue of collaboration, connection and meaningful knowledge-sharing through diverse expressions of human thought.